This qualification opens up progression to the level 4 Certificate in Education & Training, Assessing, Quality Assurance and more…
Our teacher training courses are second to none. We offer first class online learning, our own learner manual written by our head tutor and dedicated 1-2-1 support.
This particular teacher training qualification provides an introduction to teaching. It can meet the needs of a range of trainee teachers, such as:
– individuals not currently teaching or training as achievement of the qualification does not require practice other than micro-teach assessment;
– students currently teaching and training (including those who have just begun teaching and training) although the qualification does not require practice other than micro-teach assessment;
– or currently working as assessors who wish to achieve a qualification that provides an introduction to teaching.
You will be able to begin your career in teaching as a trainee teacher in further education. You could be working in a college or with private training providers.
Typically, as part of your employment, you will also be required to enrol on to one of our higher level teacher training courses within your first two years of teaching.
Nevertheless, this is an excellent qualification to help you either get your ‘foot in the door’ or as a stepping stone on to further training if you are already teaching.