Welcome to the new staff induction platform.
This platform is intended to take you through the steps needed to help ensure you undergo everything needed to work with TVA and UKFI. It’s our priority to ensure that every new member of staf, from delivery to operations, is given the tools they need to be successful in their new role.
Although you can upload documents to this platofrm, it is designed mainly to give you the resources you need and direct you to the systems you will be using moving forwards, based on your role. This platform also provides you with the main documents and templates you’ll need when working through it with your line manager/HR lead. All documents that require signing will be in Adobe Sign format and copies will be e-mailed to you and TVA for your recrods.
Any quesitons on this platform, please direct your enquiries to either:
BEFORE using this platform, please be sure that your new TVA e-mail address has been set up.