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Level 4 Strength and Conditioning

Welcome to the level 4 Strength and Conditioning online platform.

Please be aware, this platform is predominantly to assist you with:

  • The theory elements of your course, such as periodisation techniques for example
  • Where available, some coaching videos on various advanced lifting techniques to help prepare you for your practical workshops
  • Useful resources, such as an online version of your LAP and various template examples
  • An educational section aimed at showing you how to conduct literature research, greatly assisting you with your project work.

As this is a higher level course, much of the work consists of independent study, meaning your achievement depends on you. But you’re certainly not on your own. You will gain the knowledge and the tools you need from a combination of our practical workshops and this online platform and most importantly, your own guided research.

Our practical workshops cover both the theory and the practical element of your course, meaning that this online platform acts as an assistive element to your studies. Your practical workshops are also where you will be tested, eventually completing your practical assessments. This is where you will have to demonstrate your own ability to execute advanced lifts, followed by coaching an athlete in to being able to execute advanced lifts too.

At the same time, you’ll be using the resources in this online platform, in addition to the tools you learn at our practical workshops to train your athlete for a period of time, whilst building a portfolio of evidence and justification for your periodised training routine. You will also design a presentation to deliver to your assessors, showcasing the techniques used and the success of your coaching.

We hope you enjoy your studies and we look forward to guiding you to the next level in your career!

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